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整理编辑:山东学位英语考试网  发布时间:2023-05-15 10:45:41  阅读量:

    Have you ever heard the old saying "Never judge a book by its cover" ? This is a good rule to (41) when trying to judge the intelligence of others. Some people have 

minds that shine only in certain situations. A young man with an unusual (42) in creative writing may find himself speechless in the presence of a pretty girl. He searches aworkwardly for words and does not talk smoothly. But don' t make the mistake of thinking him stupid.(43) a pen and paper, he can express himself very well.

  Other people may fool you into overestimating their intelligence by (44) a good appear-ance. A student who listens attentively and takes notes in class is bound to 

make a favorable im-pression on his teachers. But when it (45) exams, he may score near the bottom of the class.

  The (46) idea is that you can't judge someone by appearance. The only way to determine a person' s intelligence is to get to know him. Then you can observe (47) he

 reacts to different situations. The (48) situations you observe, the more accurate your judgment is (49)to be.So (50). Don't judge the book by its cover.


       41.A.follow  B.obey  C.watch  D.observe


  42.A.present  B.hand  C.pen  D.gift

  答案:D 解析:根据上下文作答。选项A“礼物”;选项B“手;帮助”;选项C“笔”;选项D“天赋;礼物”。所以答案为D。

  43.A.From  B.With  C.In  D.By

  答案:B 解析:with作介词表示“以(手段、材料),用(工具)”。故答案为B。

  44.A.putting up with  B.putting on  C.putting up  D.putting off

  答案:B 解析:选项A“忍受”;选项B“穿上;上演”;选项C“提供;建造;举起”;选项D“推迟”。根据句意,选B。

  45.A.turns to  B.comes to  C.gets to  D.leads to

  答案:B 解析:选项A“转向;变成;求助于”;选项B与前面的when it连用,构成固定结构when it comes to…,表示“当提到”;选项C“到达;开始;接触到”;选项        D“导致”。这里的句子表达的意思是“当考试的时候,他的得分可能在全班接近最低”。所以答案为B。

  46.A.mere  B.major  C.main  D.topic

  答案:C 解析:选项A“仅仅的”;选项B“重要的;主修的”;选项C“主要的”;选项D“话题”。这里的句子表达的意思是“关键在于,你不能以貌取人”,故选C。

  47.A.how  B.what  C.however  D.whatever

  答案:A 解析:本句意思为“那么你可以观察他对于不同状况的反应”。这里需要一个表示“用何种方法”的疑问副词来提问。所以答案为A。

  48.A.most  B.more  C.much  D.many

  答案:B 解析:the more…the more…句式,意为“越…越…”。本句句意为“观察的状况越多,你的评判才可能会越准确”。所以答案为B。

  49.A.likely  B.properly  C.fortunately  D.necessarily

  答案:A 解析:根据上下文可以推断,本句句意为“观察的状况越多,你的评判才可能会越准确”,这里需要一个意思为“可能”的词。be likely to do为固定结构,表示“可能…”,故选A。

  50.A.count on your time  B.ahead of your time  C.fall behind your time  D.take your time

  答案:D 解析:本题考查四种常用的表达。count on your time意为“指望你的时间”;ahead of your time意为“在你的时间之前”;fall behind your time意为“落后于你的时间”;take one’s time意为“别着急,从容做”。所以根据下文的句意“不要匆忙做决定”来判断,答案为D。





